you can't stop the beat
Duration is used in an exciting way to create the uptempo piece You Can't Stop the Beat. In this activity, you will get to know some of the main rhythmical patterns, listen to the song, and then answer some questions about how Duration is used in this piece.
1. Listen to the patterns below taken directly from You Can't Stop the Beat - the pattern should automatically play when you move to each Flashcard. Some patterns are syncopated and some aren't. Try clapping these, reading these, get to know these really well so that you can recognise them when you're listening to the song. 2. Now watch the video of this piece, particularly thinking about the concept of Duration.
3. The title of this piece is You Can't Stop the Beat, referring to changing social attitudes in the 1960s. 'Beat' here has a few meanings but we are going to consider it as part of the musical concept of Duration which is a strong feature in this piece. Answer the questions below and write a response about how Duration is used in this piece.
Duration terms:
Beat Pulse Rhythm Tempo Time signature Metre Note length Accent Rhythmic cell Rhythmic quote Syncopation Ostinato Anacrusis Polyrhythm Style Do you want to test yourself on these terms (plus more)? Click here to go to my quiz on Duration. Further Listening: Here's links to other songs from Hairspray. If you follow up on these, you will see Duration is used in a different way in each piece, creating a different musical style. Good Morning Baltimore Nicest Kids in Town The Legend of Miss Baltimore Crabs I Can Hear the Bells Run and Tell That Welcome to the 60's Big, Blonde and Beautiful The New Girl in Town Timeless to Me I Know Where I've Been Without Love |